The subsequent sections give a brief outline of the contents of the compiled courses/topics concerning glaciology and related areas:
This course provides a quantitative introduction to the Global Climate system and Climate modeling, which attempts to understand and predict climate changes. It briefly...
The course includes introduction to climate downscaling and its importance. The course describes “Regional climate Modelling” with emphasis on “Coordinated...
The course provides a detailed overview of glacier dynamics, ice flows, calving and glacier instabilities. The course explains in detail the physical basis of ice flow...
The course introduces basic concepts and features of Monsoon, SW and NE monsoons over India; monsoon trough, onset and advance of monsoon, synoptic features associated...
This course provides an overview of basic radiation laws including black body radiation. Interaction of solar radiations with atmosphere, snow and ice is given special...
The course contents include water balance in a glaciered catchment; water storage changes, water balance of a glacier. Runoff and its variability, contribution of...
The course exposes the students to different methods of discharge measurements in mountain environment. Water level measurements, Area-Velocity measurements and the...
The course provides a descriptive account of remote sensing of glacier mapping and monitoring: mapping glacier extents and snowline. Overview of global glacier...
The course provides a basic understanding of glacier mass budget, glacier mass balance gradient and glacier mass balance profile. The course describes in detail the...